Seminars Archive

Spring 2021

Chemical Engineering Approaches for Catalytic Reduction of CO2

Chemical Engineering Approaches for Catalytic Reduction of CO2

Dr. Jingguang Chen | Columbia University

Professor Sen Zhang

Rising atmospheric concentration of CO2 is forecasted to have potentially disastrous effects on the environment from its role in global warming and ocean acidification.  Converting CO2 into valuable chemicals and fuels is one of the most practical routes for reducing CO2 emissions while fossil fuels continue to dominate the energy sector.  In the past few years our group has investigated the catalytic reduction of CO2 using a combination of kinetic studies, in situ characterization and density functional theory calculations.  In this talk we will present several examples on (1) CO2 conversion by thermocatalysis, (2) CO2 reduction by electrocatalysis, and (3) simultaneous upgrading of CO2 and shale gas. We will use these examples to highlight the importance of using fundamental chemical engineering principles to guide the selection of reaction conditions and catalyst compositions.

Dr. Jingguang Chen | Columbia University
Hosted by Professor Sen Zhang
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Elucidating Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Mechanisms Underpinning the Catalytic Generation of Renewable Fuels

Elucidating Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Mechanisms Underpinning the Catalytic Generation of Renewable Fuels

Dr. Jillian Dempsey | University of North Carolina

Professor Brent Gunnoe

Elucidating Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Mechanisms Underpinning the Catalytic Generation of Renewable Fuels

The conversion of energy-poor feedstocks like water and carbon dioxide into energy-rich fuels involves multi-electron, multi-proton transformations. In order to develop catalysts that can mediate fuel production with optimum energy efficiency, this complex proton-electron reactivity must be carefully considered. Using a combination of electrochemical methods and time-resolved spectroscopy, we have revealed new details of how molecular catalysts mediate the reduction of protons to dihydrogen and the experimental parameters that dictate catalyst kinetics and mechanism. Through these studies, we are revealing opportunities to promote, control and modulate the proton-coupled electron transfer reaction pathways of catalysts.

Dr. Jillian Dempsey | University of North Carolina
Hosted by Professor Brent Gunnoe
Friday, February 19, 2021

Prebiotic Astrochemistry in the "THz-Gap"

Prebiotic Astrochemistry in the "THz-Gap"

Dr. Susanna L. Widicus Weaver | University of Wisconsin-Madison

Professor Eric Herbst

Prebiotic Astrochemistry in the "THz-Gap"

Small reactive organic molecules are key intermediates in interstellar chemistry, leading to the formation of biologically-relevant species as stars and planets form.   These molecules are identified in space via their pure rotational spectral fingerprints in the far-IR or terahertz (THz) regime.  Despite their fundamental roles in the formation of life, many of these molecules have not been spectroscopically characterized in the laboratory, and therefore cannot be studied via observational astronomy.  The reason for this lack of fundamental laboratory information is the challenge of spectroscopy in the THz regime combined with the challenge of studying unstable molecules.  Our laboratory research involves characterization of astrophysically-relevant unstable species, including small radicals that are the products of photolysis reactions, organic ions formed via plasma discharges, and small reactive organics that form via O(1D) insertion reactions.  Our observational astronomy research seeks to examine the chemical mechanisms at play in a range of interstellar environments and to identify chemical tracers that can be used as clocks for the star-formation process.  In this seminar, I will present recent results from our laboratory and observational studies that examine prebiotic chemistry in the interstellar medium.  I will discuss these results in the broader context of my integrative research program that encompasses laboratory spectroscopy, observational astronomy, and astrochemical modeling.

Dr. Susanna L. Widicus Weaver | University of Wisconsin-Madison
Hosted by Professor Eric Herbst
Friday, February 12, 2021

No Seminar: Candidacy Exams

No Seminar: Candidacy Exams

Friday, February 5, 2021

Studying Cell Signaling in Complex Environments Using Open Microfluidics

Studying Cell Signaling in Complex Environments Using Open Microfluidics

Dr. Ashleigh Theberge | University of Washington

Professor Rebecca Pompano

Studying Cell Signaling in Complex Environments Using Open Microfluidics

Small molecule and protein signals provide a rich vocabulary for cellular communication. To better understand signaling processes in both normal and disease states, we have developed new open microfluidic platforms that accommodate the culture of multiple cell types in microfabricated compartments while allowing soluble factor signaling between cell types. Our microscale culture systems allow a 10- to 500-fold reduction in volume compared to conventional assays, enabling experiments with limited cells from patient samples. Furthermore, our devices are open, pipette accessible, interface with high resolution microscopy, and can be manufactured at scale by injection molding, increasing translation to collaborators in biological and clinical labs without chemistry and engineering expertise. Finally, this talk will highlight recent results using open microfluidic principles to develop novel strategies to 3D print hydrogels for biological and materials science applications.

Dr. Ashleigh Theberge | University of Washington
Hosted by Professor Rebecca Pompano
Friday, January 22, 2021

Fall 2020

Harnessing RNA Regulation to Direct Protein Evolution and Control Mammalian Gene Expression

Harnessing RNA Regulation to Direct Protein Evolution and Control Mammalian Gene Expression

Dr. Bryan Dickinson | University of Chicago

Professor Clifford Stains

Harnessing RNA Regulation to Direct Protein Evolution and Control Mammalian Gene Expression


I will present two recent technologies our group has developed that harness RNA regulation – one for basic science purposes and one for therapeutic development. First, I will describe new methods that use our RNA polymerase-based biosensors to harness evolution in order to probe the emergence of “selectivity” between biomolecular interfaces, in particular, protein-protein interactions (PPIs). Using a combination of high-throughput biochemical methods, ancestral reconstruction, and a new rapid evolution technology, we developed a model system involving the BCL-2 family of apoptotic regulatory proteins to probe fundamental evolutionary questions about PPIs and how selectivity (or not) emerges between them. In the second half of the talk, I will discuss therapeutic opportunities involving RNA regulation and “epitranscriptomics”. While RNA regulation offers exciting opportunities to create genetic therapies that are reversible and tunable, most current approaches rely on large, microbially-derived systems that pose clinical challenges. We developed the CRISPR/Cas-inspired RNA targeting system (CIRTS), a new protein engineering strategy for constructing programmable RNA regulatory systems entirely from human protein parts. The small size and human-derived nature of CIRTS provides a less-perturbative method for fundamental studies as well as a potential strategy to avoid immune issues when applied to epitranscriptomic therapies.

Dr. Bryan Dickinson | University of Chicago
Hosted by Professor Clifford Stains
Friday, November 13, 2020

Inspiration from Fluorination:  Chemical Epigenetics Approaches to Probe Molecular Recognition Events in Transcription

Inspiration from Fluorination:  Chemical Epigenetics Approaches to Probe Molecular Recognition Events in Transcription

Dr. William Pomerantz | University of Minnesota

Professor Marcos Pires

Inspiration from Fluorination:  Chemical Epigenetics Approaches to Probe Molecular Recognition Events in Transcription


Protein-protein interaction inhibitor discovery has proven difficult due to the large surface area and dynamic interfaces of proteins.  To facilitate the early lead discovery rate, I will first describe a rapid protein-based 19F NMR method for detecting protein-ligand interactions by screening low complexity molecules (fragments), drug-like molecules, and peptidomimetics. We have tested the sensitivity, accuracy, and speed of this method through screening libraries of small molecule fragments.  The advantages of using 3D-fragments for discovery of more selective hits for bromodomain-containing proteins will be specifically highlighted. In the second part of the talk, I will describe improvements in our method for the field of epigenetics targeting bromodomain and extra-terminal (BET) family proteins. These studies have led to a selective inhibitor for the first bromodomain of BRD4. Structure-based design has identified several new design rules for maintaining selectivity and potency.  Cellular efficacy in cancer and inflammatory model systems using this novel BRD4 inhibitor will be briefly described.  Finally, development of a new heterocyclic scaffold for the second bromodomain of BRD4 will be highlighted. The speed, ease of interpretation, and low concentration of protein needed for binding experiments affords a new method to discover and characterize both native and new ligands for bromodomains and may find utility in the study of additional epigenetic “reader” domains.

Dr. William Pomerantz | University of Minnesota
Hosted by Professor Marcos Pires
Friday, November 6, 2020

Incorporating Metal-Ligand and Metal-Metal Cooperativity into First Row Transition Metal Complexes with Applications in Catalysis

Incorporating Metal-Ligand and Metal-Metal Cooperativity into First Row Transition Metal Complexes with Applications in Catalysis

Dr. Christine Thomas | Ohio State University

Professor Charlie Machan

Incorporating Metal-Ligand and Metal-Metal Cooperativity into First Row Transition Metal Complexes with Applications in Catalysis


The formation and cleavage of chemical bonds in catalytic reactions relies on accessible two-electron redox processes that are often challenging for base metals such as first row and early transition metals. Metal-ligand and metal-metal cooperativity provide a potential solution to this challenge by enabling heterolytic bond cleavage processes and/or facilitating redox processes. Both strategies will be discussed, showcasing the many ways that metal-ligand and bimetallic cooperativity can operate and the methods by which cooperativity can be built into catalyst design. A tridentate pincer ligand featuring a reactive N-heterocyclic phosphido fragment is found to be both redox active and an active participant in bond activation across the metal-phosphide bond, with catalytic applications in alkene hydroboration. A tetradentate bis(amido)bis(phosphide) ligand has been coordinated to iron and it has been shown that the resulting complex can activate two σ bonds across the two iron-amide bonds in the molecule without requiring a change in the formal metal oxidation state. In the context of metal-metal cooperativity, phosphinoamide-linked early/late heterobimetallic frameworks have been shown to support metal-metal multiple bonds and facilitate redox processes across a broad range of metal-metal combinations and the resulting complexes have been shown to activate small molecules and catalyze organic transformations.

Dr. Christine Thomas | Ohio State University
Hosted by Professor Charlie Machan
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Sensing through the Skull: Developing Surface-Enhanced Spatially-Offset Raman Spectroscopy (SESORS) for in vivo Neurochemical Detection

Sensing through the Skull: Developing Surface-Enhanced Spatially-Offset Raman Spectroscopy (SESORS) for in vivo Neurochemical Detection

Dr. Bhavya Sharma | University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Professor Jill Venton

Sensing through the Skull: Developing Surface-Enhanced Spatially-Offset Raman Spectroscopy (SESORS) for in vivo Neurochemical Detection

The brain is a complex organ, with billions of neurons and more than 30 distinct neurochemicals (possibly up to 100), involved in all aspects of a human life, including cognition, movement, sleep, appetite, and fear responses. For some neurological diseases/conditions, changes in neurochemical concentrations could be predictors of early onset disease or disease progression. While there are a variety of sampling techniques which can detect neurotransmitters in biofluids at low concentrations, these techniques often involve multi-step sample preparations coupled with long measurement times, and are not suited for in vivo detection. There is a need for the development of sensors for the detection of neurotransmitters that are selective, rapid, and label-free with little to no sample processing. We focus on the detection of biomarkers for neurological activity in biofluids and through the skull.

Our approach is to apply surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), a highly specific and selective vibrational spectroscopy, for the detection of neurochemicals. Raman scattering is an inherently weak phenomenon. We incorporate the electric field generated at the surface of noble metal nanoparticles in our sensors to enhance the weak Raman scattering signal. SERS is surface selective, highly sensitive, rapid, label-free and requires little to no sample processing. We are developing SERS-based sensors for in vitro neurotransmitter sensing at physiologically relevant concentrations in biofluids. For in vivo detection, we combine SERS with spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS), where Raman scattering spectra is obtained from subsurface layers of turbid media.  We demonstrate detection of physiologically relevant concentrations of neurotransmitters in the micromolar (µM) to nanomolar (nM) concentration ranges with SESORS in a brain tissue mimic through the skull.

Dr. Bhavya Sharma | University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Hosted by Professor Jill Venton
Friday, October 23, 2020

Graham Lecture | Repurposing the Blue Print of Life for Materials Design | 7:00 PM | Chemistry Zoom Meeting

Graham Lecture | Repurposing the Blue Print of Life for Materials Design | 7:00 PM | Chemistry Zoom Meeting

Dr. Chad Mirkin | George B. Rathmann Professor of Chemistry, Northwestern University

Professor Charles Machan

 The materials-by-design approach to the development of functional materials requires new synthetic strategies that allow for material composition and structure to be independently controlled and tuned on demand. Although it is exceedingly difficult to control the complex interactions between atomic and molecular species in such a manner, interactions between nanoscale components can be encoded, independent of the nanoparticle structure and composition, through the ligands attached to their surface. DNA represents a powerful, programmable tool for bottom-up material design. We have shown that DNA and other nucleic acids can be used as highly programmable surface ligands (“bonds”) to control the spacing and symmetry of nanoparticle building blocks (“atoms”) in structurally sophisticated materials, analogous to a genetic code for materials assembly. The sequence and length tunability of nucleic acid bonds has allowed us to define a powerful set of design rules for the construction of nanoparticle superlattices with more than 50 unique lattice symmetries, spanning over one order of magnitude of interparticle distances, with several well-defined crystal habits. Furthermore, this control has enabled exploration of sophisticated symmetry breaking processes, including the body-centered tetragonal lattice as well as the clathrate lattice, the most structurally complex nanoparticle-based material to date (>20 particles per unit cell). The nucleic acid bond can also be programmed to respond to external biomolecular and chemical stimuli, allowing structure and properties to be dynamically tailored. Notably, this unique genetic approach to materials design affords functional nanoparticle architectures that can be used to catalyze chemical reactions, manipulate light-matter interactions, and improve our fundamental understanding of crystallization processes.


Dr. Chad Mirkin | George B. Rathmann Professor of Chemistry, Northwestern University
Hosted by Professor Charles Machan
Thursday, October 15, 2020

Polymer Modified Carbon Fiber Microelectrodes and Multielectrode Arrays for Multiplexing Neurochemical Measurements

Polymer Modified Carbon Fiber Microelectrodes and Multielectrode Arrays for Multiplexing Neurochemical Measurements

Dr. Alexander Zestos | Assistant Professor of Chemistry, American University

Professor Jill Venton

Polymer Modified Carbon Fiber Microelectrodes and Multielectrode Arrays for Multiplexing Neurochemical Measurements

We have developed novel methods to detect neurotransmitters and their metabolites. Traditionally, carbon-fiber microelectrodes (CFMEs) have been utilized to detect dopamine, serotonin, and other important neurotransmitters. However, this method is limited due to a low sensitivity to detect physiologically relevant concentrations of these neurotransmitters. Polymer modified microelectrodes will be utilized to detect fast changes of neurotransmitters. Furthermore, novel electrode coatings and waveforms will also be utilized to detect several neurotransmitter metabolites such as 3,4-dihydroxy-benzeneacetaldehyde (DOPAL), 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT), and 3,4 dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC). There is no current assay to detect metabolites of dopamine utilizing voltammetry. Through waveform modifications and polymer electrode coatings, we develop a novel method for dopamine metabolite detection utilizing fast scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV), which will help differentiate the cyclic voltammograms of dopamine and dopamine metabolites through the shapes and positions of their respective cyclic voltammograms. Preliminary measurements have been made in zebrafish retina ex vivo. We have also developed multielectrode arrays (MEAs) for neurotransmitter detection with FSCV in multiple brain regions simultaneously. Parylene and silicon insulated CFME arrays measured neurochemicals in multiple brain regions simultaneously when coupled with multichannel potentiostats. Moreover, we have utilized techniques such as plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition to deposit conductive carbon nanospikes onto the surface of existing metal multielectrode arrays to give them dual functionality as neurotransmitter sensors with FSCV in addition to being used primarily for electrical stimulation and recording. Other assays have shown the utility of electrodepositing carbon nanotubes and polymers such as PEDOT to coat metal arrays with carbon to give them dual sensing capabilities.

Dr. Alexander Zestos | Assistant Professor of Chemistry, American University
Hosted by Professor Jill Venton
Friday, October 9, 2020

Dye-Sensitization for the Production of Electrical Power and Chemical Fuels from Sunlight

Dye-Sensitization for the Production of Electrical Power and Chemical Fuels from Sunlight

Dr. Jerry Meyer | University of North Carolina

Professor Charlie Machan


Dye-Sensitization for the Production of Electrical Power and Chemical Fuels from Sunlight

Gerald J. Meyer

Department of Chemistry,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA 27599-3290


Dye-sensitized solar cells have received considerable attention since the advent of mesoporous metal oxide thin films first described by Grätzel and O’Regan [1]. We have a fundamental interest in light driven interfacial electron transfer in these materials that is motivated by applications in electrical power generation and in solar fuels production [1,2]. Background on dye-sensitization and solar energy conversion will be provided that gives context for our most recent advances that suggest new directions for future research. An example includes the identification of a kinetic pathway for electron transfer from TiO2 to transition metal complexes with two redox active groups. [2,3] The distance between the two groups were held near parity yet electron transfer through an aromatic bridge that separated them was critically dependent on the degree of conjugation [3,4]. Electron transfer to acceptors positioned at variable distances from a conductive oxide surface revealed that the intrinsic barriers were dramatically decreased within the electric double layer [5]. Mechanistic study of core/shell oxide materials provided new insights into electron transport that were correlated with water oxidation efficiency [6]. Finally, an alternative approach to solar fuel production with small band gap semiconductors and tandem catalyst hybrids will be presented. This approach forms the basis of a new Department of Energy supported Solar Hub entitled the Center for Hybrid Approaches in Solar Energy to Liquid Fuels (CHASE) [7].       


[1] “A Low- Cost, High Efficiency Solar Cell Based on the Dye- Sensitized Colloidal TiO2 Films” O’Regan, B.; Grätzel, M. Nature 1991, 353, 737.

[2] “Perspectives in Dye Sensitization of Nanocrystalline Mesoporous Thin Films” Hu, K.; Sampaio, R.N.; Schneider, J.; Troian-Gautier, L.; Meyer, G.J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, in press.

[3] “A Kinetic Pathway for Interfacial Electron Transfer from a Semiconductor to a Molecule” Hu. K.; Blair, A.D.; Piechota, E.J.; Schauer, P.A.; Sampaio, R.N.; Parlane, F.; Meyer, G.J.; Berlinguette, C.P. Nature Chem. 2016, 8, 853-859.

[4] “Kinetics Teach That Equilibrium Constants Shift Toward Unity with Increased Electronic Coupling” Sampaio, R.N.; Piechota, E.J.; Troian-Gautier, L.; Maurer, A.B.; Berlinguette, C.P., Meyer, G.J. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 2018, 115, 7248-7253.

[5] “Kinetic Evidence that the Solvent Barrier for Electron Transfer is Absent in the Electric Double Layer” Bangle, R.E.; Schneider, J.; Conroy, D.T.; Aramburu-Troselj, B.M.; Meyer, G.J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020142, 14940-14946. 

[6] “Electron Localization and Transport in SnO2/TiO2 Mesoporous Thin Films: Evidence for a SnO2/SnxTi1- xO2/TiO2 Structure” James, E.M.; Bennett, M.T.; Bangle, R.E.; Meyer, G.J. Langmuir 2019, 39, 12694-12703.



Dr. Jerry Meyer | University of North Carolina
Hosted by Professor Charlie Machan
Friday, October 2, 2020

A Modular Approach to Materials Design

A Modular Approach to Materials Design

Dr. Dmitri Talapin | University of Chicago

Dr. Sen Zhang

Dmitri V. Talapin

Department of Chemistry and James Franck Institute

University of Chicago, Chicago IL 60637, USA


Inorganic nanomaterials enabled impressive developments, both in the fundamental understanding of nucleation, growth and surface chemistry of inorganic solids, and in our ability to make functional materials for real-world applications. Nanocrystals and nanocrystal assemblies offer a versatile platform for designing two- and three-dimensional solids with tailored electronic, optical, magnetic, and catalytic properties. Unlike atomic and molecular crystals where atoms, lattice geometry, and interatomic distances are fixed entities, the arrays of nanocrystals represent solids made of “designer atoms” with continuously tunable properties.

I will discuss our recent developments in synthesis of inorganic nanostructures, from new semiconductor quantum dots to two-dimensional transition metal carbides, also known as MXenes. We are developing chemical approaches to electronically couple individual nanostructures into extended materials. These “modular” materials are explored as active components for electronic, light-emitting, thermoelectric and photovoltaic devices.

Dr. Dmitri Talapin | University of Chicago
Hosted by Dr. Sen Zhang
Friday, September 25, 2020

Borane Lewis Acids and B-N Lewis Pairs: From Molecules to Materials

Borane Lewis Acids and B-N Lewis Pairs: From Molecules to Materials

Dr. Frieder Jaekle | Rutgers University, Newark

Professor Robert Gilliard

The incorporation of main group elements into conjugated materials is known to result in unusual properties and to enable new functions.[1] In particular, the ability of tricoordinate boron to participate in p-delocalization can have a dramatic effect on the optoelectronic properties of conjugated materials by selectively lowering the LUMO orbital levels. The electron-deficient character of boron also enables the reversible formation of Lewis pairs (LPs) by interaction of Lewis acids with Lewis bases.

In our recent work, we have explored the incorporation of boron into conjugated oligomers, macrocycles, and polymers for optoelectronic applications.[2] We have also demonstrated that base-directed electrophilic aromatic C-H borylation provides an effective means to generate luminescent B-N containing conjugated materials with unusual properties such as self-sensitized singlet oxygen generation.[3]

On the other hand, the judicious decoration of polymers with organoborane Lewis acid sites can be exploited in sensory and stimuli-responsive materials, as well as the development of supported catalysts that rely on the ability of Lewis acids to activate small molecules.[4] In addition, we have discovered that “smart” dynamic materials can be generated by embedding both Lewis acid and base sites into polymer networks.[5]

In this talk I will discuss some of these discoveries and highlight their impact in diverse application fields ranging from organic electronic materials and chemosensors to reprocessible elastomers and supported catalysts.


  1. (a) Main Group Strategies towards Functional Hybrid Materials, T. Baumgartner, F. Jäkle, Eds. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, 2018; (b) F. Vidal, F. Jäkle, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 5846.
  2. (a) B. Meng, Y. Ren, J. Liu, F. Jäkle, L. Wan, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 2183; (b) N. Baser-Kirazli, R. A. Lalancette, F. Jäkle, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 8689.
  3. (a) K. Liu, R. A. Lalancette, F. Jäkle J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 7453; (b) M. Vanga, R. A. Lalancette, F. Jäkle Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 10133.
  4. (a) F. Cheng, E. M. Bonder, F. Jäkle, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 17286; (b) F. Vidal, J. McQuade, R. A. Lalancette, F. Jäkle, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c05454; (c) H. Lin, S. Patel, F. Jäkle, Chem. Eur. J. 2020, submitted.
  5. F. Vidal, J. Gomezcoello, R. A. Lalancette, F. Jäkle, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 15963.



Frieder Jäkle is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the Newark Campus of Rutgers University. He received his Diploma in 1994 and Ph.D. in 1997 from TU München, Germany, under the direction of Prof. Wagner. After a postdoctoral stint with Prof. Manners at the University of Toronto he joined Rutgers University in 2000. His research interests revolve around main group chemistry as applied to materials and catalysis, encompassing projects on organoborane Lewis acids, conjugated hybrid materials, luminescent materials for optoelectronic and sensory applications, stimuli-responsive and supramolecular polymers. He is the recipient of an NSF CAREER award (2004), an Alfred P. Sloan fellowship (2006), a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2009), the ACS Akron Section Award (2012), the Boron Americas Award (2012) and the Board of Trustees Research Award at Rutgers University (2017). In 2019 he was named a Fellow of the American Chemical Society. He has served on the editorial advisory boards of several journals, including Macromolecules, ACS Macro Letters, and Organometallics.


Dr. Frieder Jaekle | Rutgers University, Newark
Hosted by Professor Robert Gilliard
Friday, September 18, 2020

Illuminating the Biochemical Activity Architecture of the Cell

Illuminating the Biochemical Activity Architecture of the Cell

Dr. Jin Zhang | University of California, San Diego

Professor Andreas Gahlmann

The complexity and specificity of many forms of signal transduction require spatial microcompartmentation and dynamic modulation of the activities of signaling molecules, such as protein kinases, phosphatases and second messengers. In this talk, I will focus on cAMP/PKA, PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 or Ras/ERK signaling pathways and present studies where we combined genetically encoded fluorescent biosensors, advanced imaging, targeted biochemical perturbations and mathematical modeling to probe the biochemical activity architecture of the cell.

Dr. Jin Zhang received her PhD in Chemistry from the U. Chicago.  After completing her postdoctoral work at University of California, San Diego (UCSD), she joined the faculty of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 2003. She was promoted to Professor in 2013. In 2015 she moved back to UCSD and is currently a Professor of Pharmacology, Bioengineering and Chemistry & Biochemistry. Research in her lab focuses on developing enabling technologies to probe the active molecules in their native environment and characterizing how these active molecules change in diseases including cancer. Professor Zhang is a recipient of the NIH Director’s Pioneer Award (2009), the John J. Abel Award in Pharmacology from ASPET (2012), the Pfizer Award in Enzyme Chemistry from ACS (2012), and the Outstanding Investigator Award (2015) from NCI. She was elected as a Fellow of AAAS in 2014 and a Fellow of AIMBE in 2019.

Dr. Jin Zhang | University of California, San Diego
Hosted by Professor Andreas Gahlmann
Friday, September 11, 2020

Expanding the Chemical Toolbox for Acoustic-based Imaging of Cancer

Expanding the Chemical Toolbox for Acoustic-based Imaging of Cancer

Dr. Jefferson Chan | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Professor Clifford Stains

Many disease states are characterized by molecular level changes that occur before detectable symptoms have begun to manifest. In order to maximize treatment outcomes it is essential to accurately detect such alterations at an early stage. Chemical probes designed to selectively image such molecular processes have the potential to not only aid in disease diagnosis but can also provide unique insights into disease progression. As an important step toward these goals we have developed a palette of activatable probes for photoacoustic imaging and apply these to visualize changes in the tumor microenvironment. Briefly, photoacoustic imaging is a state-of-the-art technique that generates ultrasound signals from light, which can be detected and converted into high-resolution 3D images. Since sound scattering is three orders of magnitude less than light in tissue, photoacoustic imaging can be employed to image up to 8 cm in depth while achieving micron resolution. To image deeper regions of the body in real-time, we have recently developed the first activatable ‘smart bubbles’ for ultrasound imaging. Like our photoacoustic probes, smart bubbles respond selectively to a disease property to provide signal enhancements via enhancement of their echogenic properties. In this seminar, we will discuss the strategies employed to construct both photoacoustic and ultrasound probes, as well as highlight notable examples from our laboratory.      


Brief Bio:

Professor Chan received his BSc degree in chemistry from the University of British Columbia in 2006 and his PhD from Simon Fraser University (Prof. Andrew Bennet) in 2011. For his graduate research, he received the Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Doctoral Research Award for the top Canadian thesis in the areas of organic and bioorganic chemistry. From 2011-2014 he was a Human Frontiers Science Program Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley (Prof. Christopher Chang). In the fall of 2014 he joined the faculty at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Dr. Jefferson Chan | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Hosted by Professor Clifford Stains
Friday, September 4, 2020

Lighting up inflammation outside the body using chemistry and microfluidics

Lighting up inflammation outside the body using chemistry and microfluidics

Dr. Rebecca Pompano | Assistant Professor, University of Virginia, Department of Chemistry

Professor Jill Venton

Life is sustained through a delicate balancing act of the immune system, a complex network of molecular and cellular interactions from which health or disease can emerge.  Despite a long catalogue of the cells and signaling proteins in this system, traditional experimental approaches have struggled to explain how they are organized in organs such as the lymph node to dynamically protect against infection, cancer, and autoimmunity.  The overarching goal of my laboratory is to develop bioanalytical methods to visualize where, when, and how cells interact during immunity and inflammation, to inform the development of immunotherapies. In this talk, I will describe the development of (1) hybrids of microfluidics with live immune tissues, to study local dynamics in the lymph node and multi-organ immunity, and (2) novel, spatially resolved analyses of the activity of cells and proteins in living tissue.  I also will give a preview of the future, with our work towards better understanding the organization of the lymph node by building one from cells, matrix elements, and proteins.  

Dr. Rebecca Pompano | Assistant Professor, University of Virginia, Department of Chemistry
Hosted by Professor Jill Venton
Friday, August 28, 2020

Spring 2020



Friday, April 24, 2020



Friday, April 17, 2020



Friday, April 17, 2020



Wednesday, April 15, 2020




Antisense Oligonucleotide Therapeutics for Neurological Diseases

Antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) are synthetic, chemical modified nucleic acid analogs designed to bind to RNA by Watson-Crick base paring and upon binding, modulate the function of the targeted RNA. There are a variety of mechanisms by which ASOs can modulate RNA function dependent on the chemical design of the ASO, the type of RNA and where on the RNA the ASO is designed to bind. Both protein coding, as well as non-coding RNAs, can be targets of ASO based drugs, significantly broadening therapeutic targets for drug discovery compared to small molecules and protein-based therapeutics. The recent approval of nusinersen (Spinraza™) as a treatment for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and inotersen (Tegsedi) for polyneuropathy of hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis (hATTR)  validates the utility of antisense drugs for the treatment of neurological  diseases. A summary of the progress, lessons learned and future challenges applying antisense technology for neurological diseases will be provided.

Friday, April 10, 2020



Friday, April 3, 2020



Friday, March 27, 2020



Wednesday, March 25, 2020



Friday, March 20, 2020




The brain is a complex organ, with billions of neurons and more than 30 distinct neurochemicals (possibly up to 100), involved in all aspects of a human life, including cognition, movement, sleep, appetite, and fear responses. For some neurological diseases/conditions, changes in neurochemical concentrations could be predictors of early onset disease or disease progression. While there are a variety of sampling techniques which can detect neurotransmitters in biofluids at low concentrations, these techniques often involve multi-step sample preparations coupled with long measurement times, and are not suited for in vivo detection. There is a need for the development of sensors for the detection of neurotransmitters that are selective, rapid, and label-free with little to no sample processing. Our group focuses on the detection of biomarkers for neurological activity in biofluids and through the skull.

Our approach is to apply surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), a highly specific and selective vibrational spectroscopy, for the detection of neurochemicals. Raman scattering is an inherently weak phenomenon. To enhance the weak Raman scattering signal, we incorporate noble metal nanoparticles in our sensors, which when excited with a laser generate an oscillating electric field, referred to as the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR), at the surface of the nanoparticles. The molecules of interest are adsorbed to the nanoparticle surface, and the Raman scattered light is enhanced by the LSPR of the nanoparticles. SERS is surface selective, highly sensitive, rapid, label-free and requires little to no sample processing. We are developing SERS-based sensors for in vitro neurotransmitter sensing at physiologically relevant concentrations in biofluids. For in vivo detection, we combine SERS with spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS), where Raman scattering spectra is obtained from subsurface layers of turbid media.  We demonstrate low concentration detection of neurotransmitters in the micromolar (µM) to nanomolar (nM) concentration ranges with SESORS in a brain tissue mimic through the skull.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

A Designer's Toolkit for Constructing Complex Nanoparticle Libraries

A Designer's Toolkit for Constructing Complex Nanoparticle Libraries

Dr. Raymond Schaak | Penn State University

Professor Sen Zhang


Multi-component nanoparticles offer unique opportunities to combine different properties in a single construct, enabling both multi-functionality and the emergence of new synergistic functions. Synthesizing such multi-component nanoparticles requires simultaneous control over size, shape, composition, and structure, as well as interfaces and spatial arrangements. We have been developing two complementary strategies for synthesizing multi-component nanoparticles. The first approach involves heterogeneous seeded growth, where interfaces and asymmetry are introduced by sequentially growing new nanoparticles off of the surfaces of existing nanoparticles. Complex hybrid nanoparticles of a growing number of materials, configurations, and morphologies can now be synthesized. The second approach involves sequential partial cation exchange reactions, where interfaces and asymmetry are introduced by compositional modifications that are made within an existing nanoparticle. A growing library of complex heterostructured metal sulfide nanoparticles can now be rationally designed and then readily synthesized.

Dr. Raymond Schaak | Penn State University
Hosted by Professor Sen Zhang
Friday, March 6, 2020

Electrochemical Energy Storage through Ligand-Based Charge Manipulation

Electrochemical Energy Storage through Ligand-Based Charge Manipulation

Dr. Mitch Anstey | Davidson College

Professor Charlie Machan


Public and private investments in energy storage have created a 100 billion dollar industry, and this industry is now converging on grid-scale applications due to the urgent need for resource conservation and our ever-increasing global demand for energy. Redox flow batteries (RFBs) are one method for grid-scale energy storage, being used for peak-shaving and renewable energy incorporation into the grid. Our lab has been using molecular structure as one method to influence electrolyte performance metrics such as Coulombic efficiency, charge-recharge cycling, and voltage window. This talk will describe the work in our lab that focuses on molecular design to address these specific issues in nonaqueous redox flow battery electrolytes.

Dr. Mitch Anstey | Davidson College
Hosted by Professor Charlie Machan
Friday, February 28, 2020

Systematic Methods for Learning Complex Mechanisms from Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Systematic Methods for Learning Complex Mechanisms from Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Dr. Aaron Dinner | University of Chicago

Professor Kateri DuBay


Computers and algorithms are now sufficiently powerful that many complex molecular processes can be simulated at atomic resolution.  Yet it remains challenging to describe dynamics when processes are stochastic and proceed by multiple pathways.  In this talk, I will illustrate these issues with simulations of insulin dimer dissociation, which serves as a paradigm for coupled (un)folding and (un)binding.  Then I will present recent work that we have done to advance methods for efficiently estimating kinetic statistics and systematically learning complex reaction mechanisms from molecular dynamics data.

Dr. Aaron Dinner | University of Chicago
Hosted by Professor Kateri DuBay
Friday, February 21, 2020
