Undergraduate Resources

ACS - Get Experience - Research, internships, and more!

UVA Career Center

UVA Career Center provides assistance to a diverse student body and recent alumni in implementing personal career or graduate/professional school admission goals. The office accomplishes this mission by: counseling, teaching, and advising students to encourage confident and independent action through the development of career management skills, and establishing and maintaining productive and cooperative relationships with employers, alumni, faculty, parents, and graduate/professional school admissions personnel.

Some of the programs administered through the University Career Services include Counseling Services, Special Programs and Services, and Job Search Programs and Services. University Career Services arranges on-grounds interviews with international, national, and local employers. During the past year, there were 373 companies that did on-grounds recruiting resulting in 8,000 interviews. In addition, there are numerous career fairs that bring additional employers to Virginia.

How to prepare a CV

First, What is the difference between a CV and Resume?

  Curriculum vitae (CV) Résumé
What is it? A full list of your professional and educational history. A summary of your experience and skills that are most pertinent to the advertised position.
How long is it? Usually many pages; length is not important. Usually one page only. Multiple pages only for senior-level positions.
When do you use it? Used for academic positions and research positions in government and industry. Used for every other type of job outside of academia and research science.
Do you include your publications? A full list of publications is essential. Even a partial list of publications is rarely included.
How important is style and layout? Style doesn’t matter that much; content is what matters most. Style and content are important. Bad style is a real liability.
Should I modify it to match each specific job to which I am applying? CVs do not need much alteration to fit each specific job opening Résumés should be adapted to fit each specific job to which you are applying.

This is a table from How to Write a Winning Résumé by Peter Fiske and additional information about résumés can be found at  Make Your Resume Work For You by Corinne A. Marasco

From the MIT Global Education & Career Development Center:

While there is no single correct format or style for writing a CV, the following types of information are generally included, and typically organized in this way:

  • Name and Address

  • Education

  • Dissertation

  • Fellowships and Awards

  • Prepared to Teach or Areas of Research Interest or Areas of Specialization or Areas of Competence/ Expertise or Principal Research and Teaching Interests

  • Teaching Experience

  • Research Experience

  • Publications and Presentations

  • Works in Progress

  • Related Professional Experience

  • Languages

  • Other

  • References

  • Dissertation Abstract

Additional Tips

Fields of Interest or Teaching Competencies: CVs may begin with a short section specifying Fields of Interest or Teaching Competencies (instead of a statement of Professional Objective with which resumes may begin). If you do include this optional section, make your categories as broad as possible to cover a variety of potential opportunities but don’t be so broad that you appear unfocused.
Teaching and Research Experience: On a CV it is appropriate to describe both teaching and research experience in detail (on a resume this is usually not appropriate). If applying for a position that primarily involves research, describe research experience first; if the reverse is true, put teaching experience first.
Work Experience: Work experience not directly relevant to research/teaching/academic opportunities should be omitted or described only briefly on a CV.

Other: This may include miscellaneous personal information such as membership in professional or scholarly associations, travel or study abroad, or personal interests. Include only if you feel that some aspects of your personal history may be relevant and of potential interest to your readers.

References: If you list references, provide title, university affiliation, and phone number

Your Dissertation:

  • If you are working on or have recently finished your doctoral degree, at least include a brief, clear summary of your thesis topic in the Education section.

  • Including a separate one- or two- page abstract of your thesis at the end of your resume is recommended, but optional. In this attachment, concisely summarize your thesis work, placing it within its scholarly context, and noting its contribution to the field. Your summary should be comprehensible to people outside your field, but scholarly enough to interest people within your area of expertise. Looking at theses on related topics, in Rotch or Dewey Library, may help you write yours. If you do provide an abstract, write “(See Abstract Attached)” in the Education section of your CV, after the name of your thesis title.

Cover Letter: A CV should always be accompanied by a cover letter.

Additional Information:

The Basics of Science CV’s (Chronicle of Higher Education)

ResumeCoach.com is a platform where people of all ages, backgrounds and levels of experience can come to get expert advice and find professional guides to help them better understand how to create a winning resume to land the job they’ve always wanted.


Adobe Express

Helpful books, articles, and websites

Helpful articles/websites to assist you in considering graduate school

A Field Guide to Grad School: Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum. The book is a remarkable resource, and is particularly relevant for first-generation graduate students as we consider their unique challenges in navigating academic spaces. It is available in digital form through the UVA Library: https://search.lib.virginia.edu/sources/uva_library/items/u8670372

Advice for undergraduates considering graduate school

Advice for choosing the right graduate school

U.S. News and Report University Directory

A database of accredited online colleges


GRE Guidebook

Some of the best tools for finding the right graduate program, contacting admissions officials, excelling on tests, and then financing your education are just a click away. http://www.petersons.com/

UVA’s Biotechnology Training Program (just one of the many PhD programs offered)

The Forensic Science Degree Guide

Guide to Forensic Science Degree Programs

GRE Practice tests

GRE Test Prep

ACS Directory of Graduate Research

Affordable Colleges Online

Online Medical Assistant Programs

Medical Assistant Certification Programs

Online Medical Assistant Schools and Programs

Online College Database

Online Masters Programs

Schools with teaching programs

Medical Billing and Coding

Accredited Schools Online

Doctor of Education programs

EduMed.org connects students with the best and most affordable higher education programs in the medical field

University HQ

Discover Data Science

College Degrees Online

Find and compare masters degrees

Women in STEM

Leadership Guide for Women in EdTech

Green Degrees and Environmental Careers: A Guide to Working in Sustainability

EdSmart.org - provides college rankings, reviews, and ratings according to the latest U.S. Department of Education data and other reputable sources for higher education institution data. 2020 college and university rankings were released in 2019 and are updated yearly. College rankings and ratings are created by a team of dedicated data analysts.

Medical Assistant Schools

The Scoopula - advice for pursuing graduate school in chemistry

PhDs.me helps students make their doctoral education personal, affordable, and convenient through our expert-driven guidebooks and resources.

EduBirdie - GRE-Prep Guide

Medical Assistant Programs and Career Guide

Master’s in Data Science's Women in STEM - Closing the Gender Gap

EduRef.net - online colleges

MCAT Preparation - Premed Peers

Speech Pathology degrees

Degrees in sports

Kaplan Test Preparation 

Online Masters Degrees

Choosing the best trade school

Best Accredited Colleges.org

Speech Pathology Degrees

OnlineColleges.me connects students to fully accredited and flexible online colleges and degree programs across the U.S. Learn how to find the school and program that fits your educational and career needs.

Scholarships and Resources for Black PhD Students

Public Service Degrees

Online Teaching Degrees

UEI College specializes in providing short-term vocational and technical career training for students who seek entry-level positions in the industries of healthcare, business, and multiple skilled trades such as HVAC, automotive, electrical, welding, and criminal justice. UEI is a private career college with multiple campuses in California, Arizona, Nevada, Washington and Georgia.

Helpful websites, articles, and books to assist you in choosing a career & preparing for your job search.

University of Virginia’s Undergraduate Arts and Sciences Career Services

University of Virginia’s Career Services

American Chemical Society’s College to Career

Job Search Essentials - Job search strategies, resume writing, interviewing and negotiation, etc.

Chemical and Engineering News Career and Employment

Top Interview Techniques to Find the Best Candidate

Careers and Grad Programs for B.S. / M.S. Scientists: Testing The Waters

Hunting for jobs at liberal arts colleges

Non-traditional Careers for Chemists

Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow: Discovering Your Right Livelihood

What Color Is Your Parachute? 2008: A Practical Manual for Job-hunters and Career-Changers

How to Find Your Mission in Life

The importance of sleep to remain healthy

College students and sleep

CareerWise the anytime online coach for graduate women in science & engineering

LinkedIn for Job Seekers: How to optimize your LinkedIn profile

Definitive Guide to Healthcare Careers

College Student's Guide to Ergonomics

Novoresume.com - from building a resume to landing your dream job

Tips for a career in Art Conservation

Cybersecurity - CybersecurityEducationGuides.org is here to support prospective graduate students as they transition from other IT jobs during one of the biggest IT hiring booms ever seen in the US.

Cybersecurity - Cybersecurity Guide.org's mission is to be the most comprehensive cybersecurity education website on the internet. It’s no easy task as new cybersecurity degree, certification, and online training programs are being offered every day (or so it seems).


How to effectively network online - provides information for students and general job seekers on the challenges of online networking, how online networking etiquette can differ from in-person, things to avoid, as well as overall advice on online networking.

ContainIQ - Resources for breaking into tech and Kubernetes

Guide to Medical Assisting - For those interested in joining the fast-paced world of a medical office without the years and years of training medical school would require, medical assisting can be a good career option. A medical assistant plays a vital role in many medical offices, hospitals and outpatient care centers.

Career Guide for Women in Network Engineering - Network engineering is a fast-growing industry with challenging, lucrative job opportunities. This guide explains network engineering in a nutshell, walking through career options with general salary and benefits, necessary hard and soft skills, and required education and certifications. It specifically includes which certifications are specific to industry giants Microsoft and Cisco, before concluding with a list of scholarships and additional resources.

Study.com - Careers of the Future: What Jobs Will Be In-Demand in 2030?

Best Online Guide to Alternative Routes to Teacher Licensure - STEPS experts are a community of public service specialists who are dedicated to helping students and future professionals find the information they need to pursue and advance careers in the public sector. From educators and nurses to police officers and firefighters, our team of experts work to deliver and review quality content to connect students with valuable advice and resources on degrees and careers in public service.

Tips & Resources for Women in Tech

How to dress for any job interview

Accredited Medical Assistant Programs

Awards, Scholarships, Internships, Fellowships, REUs & Summer Internships

American Chemical Society - This online directory lists internship, co-ops, summer work, and fellowship opportunities for undergraduates in the chemical sciences. Search by area of interest, geographic region, and type of experience.

ACS Funding Opportunities - ACS offers funding to support the advancement of the chemical sciences through research, education, and community projects.

ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program - The Division of Organic Chemistry annually awards summer undergraduate research (SURF) fellowships to outstanding undergraduate organic chemistry students attending colleges and universities in the United States.

ACS International Research Experiences for Undergraduates - The ACS International Research Experience for Undergraduates (IREU) program gives undergraduate chemical science students an opportunity to pursue research at universities in Italy, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Participating institutions are recognized as top producers of scientific knowledge.

ACS Scholars Program - Chemistry Scholarships for African American, Hispanic, and American Indian Students
Aging Matters Scholarship - SeniorCare.com will be awarding an annual college scholarship to an individual that best demonstrates to us why "Aging Matters" to them. A $1500 scholarship will be given annually to a selected college student that currently cares for an aging loved one, works within the senior community, or intends to pursue a career that will have an impact on the elder population. Any existing student (or incoming freshman), in good academic standing, at a 2 or 4 year accredited college can apply for this scholarship. The recipient will demonstrate a unique and admirable understanding and desire to show us that "Aging Matters" to them.
American Association for Cancer Research - The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) supports the education and training of the next generation of cancer researchers and provides exclusive opportunities to high school, undergraduate, and postbaccalaureate students to engage in and gain exposure to the latest cancer research.

Amgen Scholars Program - The Amgen Scholars Program provides hundreds of undergraduate students with the opportunity to engage in a hands-on summer research experience at some of the world’s leading institutions.

Annuity.org - Students & Financial Literacy - Receiving a scholarship — or multiple scholarships — can significantly reduce your tuition and other college expenses. Scholarships are available in various forms and dollar amounts. Many students receive partial scholarships from different sources.
Army Health Care Health Professions Scholarships - When you’re pursuing an advanced health care degree, the last thing on your mind should be how you’re going to pay for it. The U.S. Army can help with one of the most comprehensive scholarships available in the health care field.
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship - The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program was authorized by the United States Congress in 1986 to honor Senator Barry M. Goldwater, who served his country for 56 years as a soldier and statesman, including 30 years of ser

Biophysical Society Summer Course - to provide minority (US citizen or permanent resident) or Canadian aboriginal students an introduction to the field of biophysics through performing cutting-edge biological research and intense coursework experience.

CDC Collegiate Leaders in Environmental Health (CLEH) - This is a 10-week summer environmental internship for undergraduate students who are passionate about the environment, interested in human health, and curious about how they are linked.
Clemson University - Summer Undergraduate Research Program
Colorado Center for Biorefining and Biofuels REU Program - C2B2 offers an exciting program for undergraduate students to spend the summer in colorful Colorado doing biorefining and biofuels research at one of our four collaboratory institutions. This ten week program is packed with cutting edge research, laboratory tours and one-of-a-kind group activities.
Commonwealth STEM Industry Internship Program - connects you to paid undergraduate internships in science, technology, engineering and math fields. Participation in CSIIP enhances your résumé and is a good way to gain actual job experience in your field of study and build relationships with potential employers.
Discover Data Science internship guide 
Dow AgroSciences LLC. - A wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, is a top tier agricultural company providing innovative crop protection, pest and vegetation management, seed, and agricultural biotechnology solutions to serve the world’s growing population. Su
Explorations in Statistics Research - The seven day workshop is designed so that students get a sense of how statisticians approach large, complex problems.
Frank and Sara McKnight Prize in Undergraduate Chemistry - These prizes are designed to recognize undergraduate researchers with an interest in chemistry.
German Academic Exchange Service - A publicly-funded independent organization of higher education institutions in Germany. Our 14 international offices provide information as well as financial support to over 50,000 highly-qualified students and faculty per year for international research

Gerstner Sloan-Kettering School of Biomedical Sciences - This ten-week research program is designed for approximately 20 outstanding undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing a career in biomedically related sciences.

GlaxoSmithKline Summer Internship Programs - GSK offers internship opportunities during the summer to college students that are currently enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate or Ph.D level degree program.
Global Scholarships - Our mission is to provide an accessible way for international students to search and find comprehensive, accurate, and updated scholarship information.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Janelia Farm Research Campus Undergraduate Scholars program -
IBM Almaden Research Center - IBM Research offers a broad range of student programs, including a variety of challenging summer positions in laboratories around the world.
The IBM Research Internship Awards - The IBM Research Internship Awards program was established to promote diversity and develop access to a larger and more diverse group of outstanding candidates. They are awarded, with an IBM title, through established organizations, organizations which are already dedicated to increasing the number of women and underrepresented minorities entering technical careers.
Inspection Support Network - open to those pursuing a degree that enables you to learn a new trade, develop skills and technology, or start a small business related to home services offered by ISN.

Iota Sigma Pi - National Honor Society for Women in Chemistry – Gladys Anderson Emerson Scholarship.

The Journal of Young Investigators - an exciting, student-led initiative to broaden the scope of the undergraduate scientific experience. JYI provides opportunities for students to participate in the scientific review and publication processes, primarily through the operation of its

Lab2Class - Lab2Class recruits fellows who demonstrate both science or mathematical talent and a strong commitment to the teaching profession and service in DC.

Leonore Annenberg Teaching Fellowship - provides a $30,000 stipend for master’s-level teacher preparation at the University. Fellows then teach for three years with ongoing mentoring in schools that serve a significant number of high needs students.
Mayo Clinic - An undergraduate research experience in biomedical sciences.
Medical College of Georgia Summer STAR Program - Choose an area of research that interests you,  spend 9-weeks of your summer conducting biomedical research, attend exciting, interactive and informative workshops…
Merck Future Talent Program - The Merck Future Talent Program for interns and co-ops is designed to provide exemplary university students with the opportunity to work on meaningful assignments and gain real-world experience. Assignments include: Internship: 9- to 11-week assignment occurring between June and August and Co–op: assignments of four or more months occurring throughout the calendar year.
Mid-Infrared Technologies for Health and the Environment (MIRTHE) Center - MIRTHE is focused on developing knowledge, technologies and engineering systems based on mid-IR (3 – 30 μm) spectroscopy that provide unprecedented optical and chemical sensing capabilities for trace gases.
Milwaukee School of Engineering - Research Experience for Undergraduates Program.
MIT Department of Biological Engineering -
MIT Materials Processing Center - Each year for 9 weeks during the summer, the MPC co-sponsors a Research Internship Program. The program has brought hundreds of the best science and engineering undergraduates from across the country, to conduct graduate-level materials research. Students can select from a wide array of projects available.
Morris K. Udall Scholarship - In 2009, the Foundation expects to award 80 scholarships and 50 honorable mentions on the basis of merit to sophomore and junior level college students committed to careers related to the environment, tribal public policy, or Native American health care.

NASA Langley Aerospace Research Summer Scholars Program - provides paid internship opportunities year round for eligible students during spring, summer, or fall sessions. Participants gain exciting hands-on research experience while working side-by-side with NASA’s finest scientists and engineers who serve

NASA Undergraduate Research Project - The NASA Undergraduate Student Research Project, or USRP, offers internship opportunities for undergraduate science and engineering students at all 10 NASA centers and additional partner facilities.
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research - Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award Fellowship (IRTA), Technical Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA), NIH Academy, and Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research
National Institutes of Health - Summer programs at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) provide an opportunity to spend a summer working at the NIH side-by-side with some of the leading scientists in the world, in an environment devoted exclusively to biomedical research.
National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network - The National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN) conducts one of the largest and most successful Research Experience for Undergraduates Programs in nanotechnology. Students are assigned to a specific research project and make a meaningful research contribution to their research group. Each project involves hands-on nanotechnology research with state-of-the-art equipment. Each student works on an individual research project, [...]
Naval Research Enterprise Intern Program (NREIP) - This ten-week intern program is designed to provide opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in research, under the guidance of an appropriate research mentor, at a participating Navy laboratory.
Northwestern University Materials Research Science & Engineering Center - The NU-Materials Research Science and Engineering Center is an interdisciplinary program focused on multi-functional nanoscale material structures.  Over 35 faculty from 9 different departments are involved.  REU students will have the opportunity to contribute to a research project led by a center faculty member and will participate in interdisciplinary research group meetings, expanding their science [...]
NSF REU Programs - The NSF sponsors Research Experiences for Undergraduates at Universities throughout the country and some international destinations.

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education - The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Educaiton (ORISE) sponsors more than 50 research programs for undergraduate students at national laboratories and other federal research facilities in 24 states and some outside the United States. So whether you are seeking a summer internship, a scholarship to help fund your academic progress, or a longer-term research [...]

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education - Undergraduate Scholarship Program

Partnership in International Research and Education - Come and experience one of the best research experiences of your life! During this 8-week study abroad program, you will be exposed to international research, education and culture. In addition, you will be working in an experienced, collaborative research team to develop and apply algorithms and software for simulating reactions with organic materials that involve [...]

PathwaystoScience.org - Use this website to find programs such as undergraduate summer research opportunities, graduate fellowships, postdoctoral positions, as well as resources and materials pertaining to recruitment, retention, and mentoring.
The Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials - The Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM) and the Princeton Center for Complex Materials (PCCM) are sponsoring research opportunities for undergraduates in disciplines related to Materials Science Potential projects span a broad range of topics under the guidance of faculty from the departments of Physics, Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Chemical Engineering, Electrical [...]
The Raven Society - The Raven Society will award research fellowships of up to $2500 in support of  summer or fall undergraduate or graduate independent research projects. Special consideration will be given to those pursuing study outside of Charlottesville.
Rice University - Summer Undergraduate Programs
RippleMatch - is the recruitment automation platform changing how Gen Z finds work. By replacing job boards with matching and automation, RippleMatch eliminates the most time-intensive parts of the recruitment process for both employers and job seekers. Leading employers such as Amazon, eBay, and Teach For America leverage RippleMatch to build diverse, high-performing teams and Gen Z job seekers across the country trust RippleMatch to launch and grow their careers.
RISE (Research Internships in Science and Engineering) - RISE is a summer internship program for undergraduate students from the United States, Canada and the UK in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences and engineering. It offers unique opportunities for undergraduate students to work with research groups at universities and top research institutions across Germany for a period of 2 to 3 months [...]
The Rockefeller University - The Rockefeller University Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program provides a unique opportunity for undergraduates to conduct laboratory research. SURF students work with leading scientists in a broad range of areas including biochemistry; structural biology and chemistry; molecular, cell and developmental biology; immunology; virology and microbiology; neuroscience; physics; and mathematical biology.
Scholarships and Resources for Minority Students
SCI Scholars – Industrial Internships for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Undergraduates - Exceptional sophomores and juniors majoring in chemistry and chemical engineering can apply for a prestigious 10-week internship through the SCI Scholars Program.
Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship - The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program encourages undergraduate students to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers by providing research experiences at the Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories. Selected students participate as interns appointed at one of 15 participating DOE laboratories. They perform research, under the guidance of laboratory staff scientists or engineers, [...]
Search for Science Opportunities - Search among thousands of exciting experiences in the sciences for students and teachers at colleges and universities throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.
Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research - The program awards grants of up to $1,000 to students from all areas of the sciences and engineering.
SMART Scholarship - The Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship for Service Program is an opportunity for students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines to re

Spain Internships

State University of New York – Stony Brook - Undergraduate Research Programs

Stowers Summer Scholars - The mission of the Stowers Summer Scholars Program is to provide an invaluable laboratory experience for those serious science students who are interested in learning more about graduate school and a future in academic research
Study.com - variety of scholarships available to associate and bachelor level students.
Studying in Germany - The largest information portal about studying in Germany for foreign students.
TechGuide.org - Internships in Tech: A Complete Guide
Thomas Scientific - has an opportunity for a student in a science related field that may be considering a career in sales and/or marketing. We are searching for a student – part time – to serve as an intern at the University of Virginia. Contact Cindy Knight at csk3a@
U of M Cardiovascular Center - The University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center  is pleased to offer a summer fellowship program to support undergraduate students that are interested in cardiovascular research. Any student who is currently enrolled at any degree granting University or College is eligible to apply, with preference give to those students interested in a career in research.
U of M Interdisciplinary REU Program - The University of Michigan Interdisciplinary REU Program (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) in the Structure and Function of Proteins is designed to provide undergraduate students with a 10 week research experience in the areas of biochemistry, biophysics, cheminformatics, computational chemistry, enzymology, marine biology, molecular biology and plant biology.  The research projects featured in this program all [...]
U of M Molecular & Integrative Physiology - The Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology is pleased to offer a summer fellowship program to support undergraduate students that are interested in research in physiology and/or biomedical sciences. Any student who is currently enrolled at any degree granting University or College is eligible to apply, with preference given to those students interested in a career in [...]
UNCF • Merck Undergraduate Science Research Scholarship Awards - are intended to help African American undergraduate students who are interested in science to further their science education and potentially pursue science careers.

Undergraduate Chemistry Research Opportunities -

Undergraduate Fellowships in Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry - The Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology of the American Chemical Society sponsors summer schools in nuclear and radiochemistry funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. These six week summer schools in 2012 will be held from June 10 to July 20 at: San Jose State University, San Jose, CA and Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, [...]
University of Alabama - Each summer, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama hosts a Research Experience for Undergraduates program (REU), funded by the National Science Foundation under the direction of Dr. John Vincent and Dr. Stephen Woski. Undergraduates from throughout the country with strong backgrounds in chemistry are invited to apply. 

University of Alabama at Birmingham - The Summer in Biomedical Science (SIBS) Undergraduate Research Program will provide the opportunity for young people to be instructed in the techniques of modern biology while becoming integrated members of a vibrant clinical and scientific community.

University of Alabama at Birmingham - Department of Neuroscience – The primary goal of SPIN (Summer Program in Neuroscience) is to provide motivated undergraduates who have demonstrated excellent scientific aptitude with the opportunity to experience independent research in neurobiology.  SPIN is designed to increase student competitiveness for entry into graduate education leading to careers in biomedical research.  Special emphasis is given to [...]

University of California, Irvine REU - NSF-sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates at UCI
University of Cincinnati - National Science Foundation-sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates
University of Connecticut - Our principal objective is the exposure of undergraduates from primarily non-Ph.D. granting institutions to a stimulating research environment.
University of Delaware’s College of Marine and Earth Studies - Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Division of Ocean Sciences, this REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) program awards ten science, engineering, and mathematics undergraduates summer internships to conduct guided research in marine science.
University of Georgia – Department of Chemistry - Undergraduate researchers will join active research groups and participate in projects directed by faculty members. Participants are introduced to new and innovative areas of research in a variety of chemistry sub-disciplines through interaction with faculty members and joint seminars with other participants in the summer research program.
University of Georgia’s Center for Computational Chemistry - Our program is a highly selective research opportunity for undergraduate students just finishing their junior year and provides the student with an opportunity to be a part of world class research team in an active academic environment. Whether you are interested in physical chemistry, organic chemistry, physics and math, or computer programming, the CCC Summer [...]
University of Illinois at Chicago - The Departments of Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago are pleased to announce their Summer Research Fellowship Program for 2012. Ten fellowships are sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. Summer fellows will have the opportunity to conduct research in [...]
University of Kansas School of Pharmacy - The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the University of Kansas offers a ten week Summer Undergraduate research Program. Students will perform independent research under the supervision of faculty members, applying chemical principles to problems involving drugs and related molecules. In Pharmaceutical Chemistry, the emphasis is on promoting the therapeutic effects of the drug or minimizing [...]
University of Kentucky College of Engineering - A multidisciplinary undergraduate summer REU program in Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Engineering, and Pharmaceutical Sciences focusing on cell/protein interactions with materials and incorporation of these systems into devices.
University of Memphis Chemistry - Participants will contribute to exciting collaborative projects in nanomaterials, medicinal chemistry, polymer chemistry, analytical chemistry, computational chemistry, and other interdisciplinary areas while gaining content knowledge, laboratory skills and networking with faculty and graduate students at the University of Memphis.
University of Pittsburgh Computational Biology - Bioengineering and Bioinformatics Summer Institute
University of Southern California REU - NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Snapshots of Chemistry: Visualization at the Molecular Level
University of Tennessee at Knoxville - The University of Tennessee at Knoxville (UTK) REU program is an intensive introductory training experience for talented undergraduate students that provides participants with a diverse set of skills necessary to be successful as a scientist.
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas - The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program at the University of Texas Southwestern Graduate School is an intensive summer research training experience designed for college students who are preparing for careers in biomedical research.
URS Corp - URS Corporation offers a range of professional planning, engineering and architectural design, environmental, construction, and program and construction management services. We also provide system integration, operations and maintenance, management a
UVA Office of Citizen Scholar Development - Information on Scholarships and Fellowships

UVA College of Arts and Sciences - College and Dean’s Scholarships

UVA College of Arts and Sciences - Internship Opportunities

UVA Department of Emergency Medicine Physician Shadow Program - The UVA Department of Emergency Medicine invites high school and college undergraduate students to come see what a “typical” day is like for an Emergency Physician.

UVA Department of Emergency Medicine Scribe Program - The program provides the opportunity for students to gain significant clinical knowledge and experience while contributing to the patient care in the ED. Through close interaction with the ED physicians, scribes gain great exposure to patient care.
UVA Office of Undergraduate Research

UVA Student Financial Services - Scholarships and Grants

University Career Services -

UVA’s Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service - Internships

Virginia Commonwealth STEM Industry Internship Program (CSIIP) - CSIIP offers a one-stop, centralized, online internship application system that provides Virginia’s undergraduate STEM majors the ability to search and apply for STEM-related (summer/fall/spring) paid internship opportunities with participating Virginia-based companies that can search our database of prescreened student applications for specific skills, experience, educational background, interests and desired work locations to find the best [...]
Virginia Commonwealth University - To recruit academically excellent undergraduate students to engage in research projects on a full-time basis in the summer, and to enrich the candidate pools for the PhD and MD/PhD programs in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at VCU.
Virginia Commonwealth University – Department of Chemistry - National Science Foundation – Research Experience for Undergraduates program.
Virginia Commonwealth University – Summer Academic Enrichment Program -
Virginia Department of Consolidated Laboratory Services - DCLS internships are project-oriented and are designed to be mutually beneficial to the intern and the laboratory. The number of accepted applicants each year varies and is subject to the number of available projects and/or program areas with DCLS initiatives.
Virginia/North Carolina Alliance - opportunities for minority students

Virginia Space Grant Consortium - Undergraduate STEM Research Scholarships are one-year, non-renewable support up to $8,500 for undergraduate students enrolled in a Virginia Space Grant university pursuing any field of study with aerospace relevance and actively engaged in a research project.

Washington State University - Characterization of Biological Systems – A summer research experience for undergraduates

Web Guide to Research for Undergraduates - The purpose of this website is to provide undergraduates interested in and/or currently participating in undergraduate research experiences in science, technology, engineering, an/or mathematics with ready information and links to reliable electronic
The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation - The Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship seeks to recruit, prepare and retain effective teachers for the students and schools who need them most. It is open to individuals—college seniors, recent graduates, and career changers—with undergraduate degrees in the arts and sciences.

Volunteer Opportunities

Madison House - Madison House serves as the student volunteer center at the University of Virginia. We coordinate volunteers, develop leaders, build community partnerships, and promote lifelong volunteer service.

ReImagine CVA -  a resource that informs the community of all the different ways to become involved with the social sector, driving board members and volunteers to where they are needed and connecting donors to the causes and initiatives that need their support.

UVA Student Council - We’re students just like you. Some of us are elected, others appointed. All of us care deeply about the quality of student life at The University. And we work together in a spirit of cooperation and unity to make your UVa experience the very best it
UVA’s Jefferson Externship Program - is a short-term, unpaid, volunteer opportunity that allows you to shadow a professional in a career field of your choice during semester breaks. Externing is a great way to try on a career for size and talk to professionals in the field
Volunteer Match - VolunteerMatch strengthens communities by making it easier for good people and good causes to connect.
Volunteer Opportunities - in the Charlottesville area and University Community.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute - participate in a distinctive experience in which you will build research skills while gaining professional development training, establishing a professional network, and performing work that matters.
Volunteer Guide - discover how and why you should volunteer. 

Tips for vision imparired users

Additional information for vision impaired users

Resources for students with vision impairment

Potential Employers

Don't forget to consider hospitals/medical centers, colleges/universities, and things you use every day (from shampoo to sneakers, Starbucks to Michellin. Everything involves chemistry. The information found here is to just get you thinking of all the possibilities you have with a degree in chemistry. These companies are just some of the ones that hire individuals with chemistry degrees.


3M - is a fundamentally a science-based company. We produce thousands of imaginative products, and we’re a leader in scores of markets – from health care and highway safety to office products and abrasives and adhesives.

Accutest Laboratories - offers a broad range of analytical services and reporting methods to our clients with a proven commitment to customer service, quality, and accuracy.
Analytical Bio-Chemistry Laboratories, Inc. - Understanding that satisfied clients not only need reliable science, they depend on reliable service, our corporate mission is based upon helping you succeed–by delivering quality data, timely reports and expert solutions to those non-routine problems
Argene - As a key partner of public and private medical biological analysis laboratories, the in vitro diagnostics industry provides the reagents and materials required for the analysis of blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid or any other biological sample. A
Ashland, Inc. - global specialty chemicals company, provides innovative products, services and solutions to customers around the globe. Ashland has sales and operations in the United States and in more than 100 countries worldwide.
BASF – The Chemical Company - the world’s leading chemical company.
BioLegend - offers exciting positions in the areas of cutting-edge research & development, manufacturing operations, quality engineering, emerging technologies and laboratory management. 
Bioline - Bioline is an evolving international company, which develops, manufactures and markets a wide range of specialized bio-research reagents that simplify, accelerate and improve life sciences research.  Our mission is to provide customers with a range of products which are fast and easy to use, guaranteed to work and developed by scientists who understand what our customers [...] 
Biotage - offers solutions, knowledge and experience in the areas of analytical chemistry, medicinal chemistry, peptide synthesis, separation and purification. The customers include pharmaceutical and biotech companies, companies within the food industry and leading academic institutes.
British Petroleum - is one of the world’s largest energy companies, providing its customers with fuel for transportation, energy for heat and light, retail services and petrochemicals products for everyday items.
Cabot Corporation - is a leading global specialty chemicals and performance materials company
Celanese - As a global leader in the chemicals industry, Celanese Corporation makes products essential to everyday living. We are one of the world’s largest producers of acetyl products, which are intermediate chemicals for nearly all major industries
Chevron Corporation - is one of the world’s largest integrated energy companies. Headquartered in San Ramon, Calif., we conduct business worldwide.
Coca-Cola Enterprises - growing product portfolio includes the world’s greatest brands and beverages. We deliver them to the right place at the right moment with the industry’s most effective marketplace execution. We are the largest nonalcoholic bottler in the world, and o
Directroy of chemical contractors and suppliers -

Dow Chemical Company - connects chemistry and innovation with the principles of sustainability to help address many of the world’s most challenging problems such as the need for clean water, renewable energy generation and conservation, and increasing agricultural production

Exxon Mobil - is the world’s largest publicly traded international oil and gas company.
Franklynn Industries - is considered to be a world-leader in the formulation and production of the highest quality release agents and functional coatings available.
Fuji Chemical Industry Co. - focus on three core businesses based on our philosophy that improving quality of life, even in an aging population, contributes to the development of society. Our APIs and Pharmaceutical businesses provide excipients and processing services, such as drug delivery system (DDS) technology to meet today’s needs. Our Life Sciences business is developing [...] 
Genomatica - is the emerging leader in the sustainable chemicals revolution. Genomatica aims to transform the chemical industry through clean, cheap, bio-based production of intermediate and basic chemicals – a $1 trillion plus market
Monsanto - Billions of people depend upon what farmers do. In the next few decades, farmers will have to grow as much food as they have in the past 10,000 years – combined. It is our purpose to work alongside farmers to do exactly that. To produce more food.
PerkinElmer Informatics - is a leading supplier of discovery, collaboration, and knowledge enterprise solution, desktop software, scientific databases and consulting services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and chemical industries.
Proctor and Gamble - We will provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world’s consumers, now and for generations to come.
ThermoFisher Scientific - is a leading supplier of laboratory equipment, chemicals, supplies and services.

Commonwealth of Virginia - Job openings with the Department of Health, Department of Social Services, various colleges and universities, etc. in Virginia.


Accenture - a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies,

Altarum Institute - a nonprofit health systems research and consulting organization serving government and private-sector clients. We provide objective research and tailored consulting services that help our clients understand and solve the complex systems problems
Becker Consulting, Inc. - is prominently recognized as a unique scientific consulting firm. We bring sophisticated judgment and expertise to the challenge of developing and marketing innovative healthcare products.
Boston Consulting Group - The Boston Consulting Group is a global management consulting firm and the world’s leading advisor on business strategy.


Breakthrough Collaborative - is a national non-profit that increases educational opportunity for high-potential, low-income middle school students and inspires outstanding college and high school students to pursue careers in education.

DC Teaching Fellows - recruits a range of diverse applicants who have shown a record of commitment and achievement in past endeavors.
Jefferson Prep - provides comprehensive educational services nationwide. We reject the impersonal, “factory” approach of other companies in favor of private, personally-tailored instruction taught by expert instructors.
New York City Teaching Fellows - Because effective teachers dramatically increase their students’ academic success, the mission of the NYC Teaching Fellows program is to recruit and prepare high-quality, dedicated individuals to become teachers
Rhode Island Teaching Fellows - is an alternate route to teaching certification program that is designed to recruit and train socially-driven individuals who are motivated to close the achievement gap in Rhode Island by becoming teachers in some of our highest-need public schools.
Southern Teachers Agency - provides a free service to candidates seeking jobs in private/independent schools in the South. We are the only agency dedicated to work in the South, and have placed more teachers in the South than any other service.
University of Virginia -

Federal Government

Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory - is dedicated to the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, a joint Navy-DOE program responsible for the research, design, construction, operation and maintenance of U.S. nuclear-powered warships.

Center for Naval Analyses - is a federally-funded research and development center serving the Department of the Navy and other defense agencies.
Defense Intelligence Agency - With more than 16,500 military and civilian employees worldwide, DIA is a major producer and manager of foreign military intelligence. Our workforce is as diverse as our missions.
Department of Energy - The overarching mission of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is discovering the solutions to power and secure America’s future. The professionals here work together to advance national economic, energy, and security goals through scientific and technological innovation.
Federal Bureau of Investigation -

National Security Agency - is unique among the U.S. defense agencies because of our government-wide responsibilities. NSA/CSS provides products and services to the Department of Defense, the Intelligence Community, government agencies, industry partners, and select allies

United States Navy 
USA Jobs - the official job site of the US Federal Government. It’s your one-stop source for Federal jobs and employment information.


Abbott Laboratories - a global, broad-based health care company devoted to discovering new medicines, new technologies and new ways to manage health. Our products span the continuum of care, from nutritional products and laboratory diagnostics through medical devices and

Affymetrix - is a provider of scalable, innovative genomic analysis tools and reagents for discovery, exploration, validation, and genetic testing.
Afton Scientific - operates a state-of-the-art cGMP manufacturing facility in Charlottesville, Virginia that offers Grade A/Class 100 processing fully compliant with FDA and EMEA regulations
Alcon - the leader in eye care, this mission means that we strive to make significant contributions in the fight to prevent and, one day, eliminate blindness.
American Type Cell Culture - a global nonprofit bioresource center and research organization that provides biological products, technical services and educational programs to private industry, government and academic organizations.
AmeriCorps - offers 75,000 opportunities for adults of all ages and backgrounds to serve through a network of partnerships with local and national nonprofit groups.
Amgen - a biotechnology pioneer, discovers, develops and delivers innovative human therapeutics. Our medicines have helped millions of patients in the fight against cancer, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis and other serious illnesses.
Bausch &Lomb - is the eye health company dedicated to perfecting vision and enhancing life. We offer the world’s most comprehensive portfolio of eye health products
Bayer Corporation - is a global enterprise with core competencies in the fields of health care, nutrition and high-tech materials. Our products can be found in nearly all areas of life.
Cadence Inc. - is a medical instruments components manufacturer specializing in incisional components and assemblies fro a range of surgical procedures.
Cardinal Health - is a global manufacturer and distributor of medical and surgical supplies and technologies.
Cepheid - is a leader in molecular diagnostic testing.
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center - are producing some of the most important breakthroughs in the prevention, early detection and treatment of cancer, HIV/AIDS and other diseases. Our scientists study the disease process from every angle – from the most basic, molecular and cellular level to a broad, population-based approach – to uncover the factors that influence a [...]
HemoSonics, LLC - is a medical device company founded to develop and bring to market innovative diagnostics to quantify and characterize the hemostatic potential of whole blood. Our mission is to save lives and improve the quality of life while reducing costs through the use of our products in all applicable clinical settings.
MicroAire - is a leading designer, manufacturer and distributor of powered surgical instruments, located in beautiful Charlottesville Virginia. Customer centric and driven for success, we’re a team dedicated to enhancing quality of life.
PRA Health Sciences - provides comprehensive clinical development services for clients developing life-saving and life-improving drugs.
University of Virginia -
University of Virginia Health System -

Laboratories (including National Laboratories)

ACON Laboratories - leads the way in making point of care medical diagnostics more affordable to people all around the world. We provide rapid diagnostic and healthcare products based on a philosophy of high quality, low price, and superior flexibility

American Type Cell Culture - a global nonprofit bioresource center and research organization that provides biological products, technical services and educational programs to private industry, government and academic organizations.
Ames Laboratory -
Analytical Laboratory Services, Inc. - is your source for high quality laboratory services in the areas of environmental testing, industrial hygiene, and on-site field services.
Argonne National Laboratory -

Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory - is dedicated to the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, a joint Navy-DOE program responsible for the research, design, construction, operation and maintenance of U.S. nuclear-powered warships.

Brookhaven National Laboratory -
CERN - the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the world’s largest and most respected centers for scientific research. Physicists and engineers at CERN are probing the fundamental structure of the universe using the world’s largest and most complex instruments to study the basic constituents of matter.
Fermilab -
Fluidigm - creates and manufactures innovative technologies and life-science tools designed to revolutionize biology through a relentless pursuit of scientific truth. Its core technologies are based on microfluidics and mass cytometry, and enable the exploration and analysis of individual cells, as well as the industrial application of genomics.
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center - are producing some of the most important breakthroughs in the prevention, early detection and treatment of cancer, HIV/AIDS and other diseases. Our scientists study the disease process from every angle – from the most basic, molecular and cellular level to a broad, population-based approach – to uncover the factors that influence a [...]
Idaho National Laboratory -
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory -
Los Alamos National Laboratory -
National Energy Technology Laboratory -
National Renewable Energy Laboratory -
Oak Ridge National Laboratory -
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory -
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory -
Sandia National Laboratories -
Savannah River National Laboratory -
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory -
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility -
University of Virginia Health System -


3M - is a fundamentally a science-based company. We produce thousands of imaginative products, and we’re a leader in scores of markets – from health care and highway safety to office products and abrasives and adhesives.

AbbVie - formed a new kind of enterprise – a biopharmaceutical company – with the stability, global scale, resources and commercial capabilities of a pharmaceutical company and the focus and culture of a biotech.
Alcon - the leader in eye care, this mission means that we strive to make significant contributions in the fight to prevent and, one day, eliminate blindness.

American Type Cell Culture - a global nonprofit bioresource center and research organization that provides biological products, technical services and educational programs to private industry, government and academic organizations.

Bausch &Lomb - Bausch & Lomb is the eye health company dedicated to perfecting vision and enhancing life. We offer the world’s most comprehensive portfolio of eye health products
Bruker Corporation - Bruker is a leading analytical instrumentation company.
Cadence Inc. - Cadence is a medical instruments components manufacturer specializing in incisional components and assemblies fro a range of surgical procedures.
Caterpillar Inc. - Caterpillar is the world’s largest maker of construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, and industrial gas turbines.
Cepheid - Cepheid is a leader in molecular diagnostic testing.
Chevron Corporation - Chevron is one of the world’s largest integrated energy companies. Headquartered in San Ramon, Calif., we conduct business worldwide.
Coca-Cola Enterprises - growing product portfolio includes the world’s greatest brands and beverages. We deliver them to the right place at the right moment with the industry’s most effective marketplace execution. We are the largest nonalcoholic bottler in the world, and o
Cosmo Bio USA - Cosmo Bio USA provides hard to find life science reagents and instruments from leading Japanese manufacturers to North American laboratories and research institutes.
Boeing - Boeing is the world’s leading aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft combined.
Eppendorf - Eppendorf develops and sells instruments, consumables, and services for liquid, sample, and cell-handling to life-science laboratories worldwide.
Estee Lauder - Estee Lauder is a leading developer and manufacturer of beauty products.
Exxon Mobil - Exxon Mobil is the world’s largest publicly traded international oil and gas company.
Fuji Chemical Industry Co. - Fuji Chemical Industries focus on three core businesses based on our philosophy that improving quality of life, even in an aging population, contributes to the development of society. Our APIs and Pharmaceutical businesses provide excipients and processing services, such as drug
delivery system (DDS) technology to meet today’s needs. Our Life Sciences business is developing [...]
General Electric - is a global infrastructure, finance and media company taking on the world’s toughest challenges. From everyday lightbulbs to fuel cell technology, to cleaner, more efficient jet engines
Hershey - The Hershey Company is the largest producer of quality chocolate in North America and a global leader in chocolate and sugar confectionery.
Indoor Biotechnologies - Indoor Biotechnologies provides products and services for indoor air quality, environmental sciences, and allergy and asthma.
Luna Innovations, Inc. - develops and manufactures new-generation products for the healthcare, telecommunications, energy and defense markets. Our products are used to measure, monitor, protect and improve critical processes in the markets we serve.
MicroAire - MicroAire is a leading designer, manufacturer and distributor of powered surgical instruments, located in beautiful Charlottesville Virginia. Customer centric and driven for success, we’re a team dedicated to enhancing quality of life.
Nestle - As part of a worldwide company founded on the principles of nutrition, health and wellness, all of us at Nestlé USA understand the importance of giving our consumers food and beverages that taste great AND help them feel good.
PBM products - Today store-brand infant formulas have become increasingly important to retailers, and an affiliate company, PBM Nutritionals, LLC, manufactures state-of-the-art formulas for PBM Products and its retail partners. Whether a store brand carries its own
Proctor and Gamble - We will provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world’s consumers, now and for generations to come.
Serco, Inc. - is a leading provider of professional, technology, and management services focused on the federal government.
Siemens - Siemens is a global leader in electronics and electrical engineering
ThermoFisher Scientific - ThermoFisher Scientific is a leading supplier of laboratory equipment, chemicals, supplies and services.


Abbott Laboratories - a global, broad-based health care company devoted to discovering new medicines, new technologies and new ways to manage health. Our products span the continuum of care, from nutritional products and laboratory diagnostics through medical devices and

ADial Pharmaceuticals - is a leading developer of prescription medications for treatment of addiction and related disorders.
Adolor Corporation - a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery, development and commercialization of novel prescription pain management products.
Afton Scientific - operates a state-of-the-art cGMP manufacturing facility in Charlottesville, Virginia that offers Grade A/Class 100 processing fully compliant with FDA and EMEA regulations
Amgen - a biotechnology pioneer, discovers, develops and delivers innovative human therapeutics. Our medicines have helped millions of patients in the fight against cancer, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis and other serious illnesses.
AMPAC Fine Chemicals - a technology-focused custom manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredients and registered intermediates.
Analytical Bio-Chemistry Laboratories, Inc. - Understanding that satisfied clients not only need reliable science, they depend on reliable service, our corporate mission is based upon helping you succeed–by delivering quality data, timely reports and expert solutions to those non-routine problems
Aragon Pharmaceuticals - is a San Diego based biopharmaceutical company focused on developing a pipeline of new anti-endocrine therapies targeting the biology of hormone resistant cancers.
Asterand - is the leading global supplier of high quality, well characterized human tissue and human tissue-based research services to drug discovery scientists.
AstraZeneca - One of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, where our business is focused on turning good ideas into innovative, effective medicines that make a real difference in important areas of healthcare.
Baxter - develops, manufactures and markets products that save and sustain the lives of people with hemophilia, immune disorders, infectious diseases, kidney disease, trauma, and other chronic and acute medical conditions. As a global, diversified healthcare
Bayer Corporation - Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the fields of health care, nutrition and high-tech materials. Our products can be found in nearly all areas of life.
Boehringer-Ingelheim - is a group of companies dedicated to researching, developing, manufacturing and marketing novel products of high therapeutic value for human and veterinary medicine. It is one of the world’s 20 leading pharmaceutical companies.
Bristol Myers Squibb - Bristol Myers Squibb is a global BioPharma company focused on discovery, development, and delivery of innovative medicines.
Cara Therapeutics - Cara Therapeutics is a developer of novel therapeutics to treat human diseases associated with pain, inflammation and pruritus.
Cavion LLC - Cavion LLC was formed in Aug. 2014 from the merger of Tau Therapeutics LLC and Xdynia LLC. Cavion is developing T-type calcium inhibitors for the treatment of various cancers and neurological diseases.
Celgene Corporation - is a multinational biopharmaceutical company committed to improving the lives of patients worldwide.
Covance - one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive drug development services companies — has the people, global resources and problem-solving culture to respond to pharmaceutical and biotechnology clients’ toughest drug development challenge
Directory of drug development contractors and suppliers -
Eli Lilly - the 10th largest pharmaceutical company in the world. We have steadfastly remained independent, but not isolated. Across the globe, Lilly has developed productive alliances and partnerships that advance our capacity to develop innovative medicines.
EZBiolab - EZBiolab provides innovative products and research services for life science research.
Fuji Chemical Industry Co. - Fuji Chemical Industries focus on three core businesses based on our philosophy that improving quality of life, even in an aging population, contributes to the development of society. Our APIs and Pharmaceutical businesses provide excipients and processing services, such as drug delivery system (DDS) technology to meet today’s needs. Our Life Sciences business is developing [...] 
HemoShear - HemoShear develops and applies first-in-class human disease systems to create safer and more effective therapies for patients.
Merck & Co., Inc. - Our products cover a broad range of areas, including heart and respiratory health, infectious diseases, sun care and women’s health. And we focus our research on conditions that affect millions of people around the world – diseases like Alzheimer’s,
Millennium: The Takeda Oncology Company - combines the innovative science of a leading American biopharmaceutical company with the global assets – both intellectual and fiscal – of Japan’s largest pharmaceutical company. We are focused exclusively in oncology.
Novartis - offers a wide range of healthcare products in pharmaceuticals, vaccines and diagnostics, generics and consumer health.
Novavax, Inc. - Novavax is developing a portfolio of vaccines to address a broad range of infectious diseases, with an emphasis on influenza. The vaccines are based on recombinant nanoparticle protein micelle technology.
Pfizer - a global leader in health care and to helping change millions of lives for the better through providing access to safe, effective and affordable medicines and related health care services to the people who need them.
Pharmaceutical-Industry.info - Directory of Pharmaceutical Companies
PRA Health Sciences - PRA Health Sciences provides comprehensive clinical development services for clients developing life-saving and life-improving drugs.
Proctor and Gamble - We will provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world’s consumers, now and for generations to come.
Teva Pharmaceuticals - the leading generic pharmaceutical company, marketing products from a wide range of therapeutic areas including cardiovascular, anti-infective, CNS, anti-inflammatory, oncolytic, antidiabetic, analgesic, dermatology, respiratory, & female healthcare.
United BioSource Corporation - is a global pharmaceutical services organization that helps emerging and established life science companies gather and analyze evidence to develop and commercialize their medical products.
Vertex Pharmaceuticals - a global biotechnology company committed to the discovery and development of breakthrough small molecule drugs for serious diseases.
Walgreens -
WuXi AppTec - is a leading global pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and medical device outsourcing company with operations in China and the United States.

Science and Technology

3M - is a fundamentally a science-based company. We produce thousands of imaginative products, and we’re a leader in scores of markets – from health care and highway safety to office products and abrasives and adhesives.

Accelrys - Through expertise in scientific information management, microscale, parallel experimentation, and contract research,
Accutest Laboratories - offers a broad range of analytical services and reporting methods to our clients with a proven commitment to customer service, quality, and accuracy.
Advancing Green Chemistry - mission is to promote the development and wide adoption of ‘Green Chemistry’, which focuses on the design and production of materials and products that are inherently benign, where toxicity is deliberately reduced or eliminated.
Affymetrix - is a provider of scalable, innovative genomic analysis tools and reagents for discovery, exploration, validation, and genetic testing.
Agilent - works in close collaboration with engineers, scientists, and researchers around the globe to meet the communications, electronics, life sciences, and chemical analysis challenges of today and tomorrow.
American Type Cell Culture - a global nonprofit bioresource center and research organization that provides biological products, technical services and educational programs to private industry, government and academic organizations.
Amgen - Amgen, a biotechnology pioneer, discovers, develops and delivers innovative human therapeutics. Our medicines have helped millions of patients in the fight against cancer, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis and other serious illnesses.
ANSYS, Inc. - ANSYS, Inc. develops, markets and supports engineering simulation software.
Argene - As a key partner of public and private medical biological analysis laboratories, the in vitro diagnostics industry provides the reagents and materials required for the analysis of blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid or any other biological sample. A
Battelle - is an international science and technology enterprise that explores emerging areas of science, develops and commercializes technology, and manages laboratories for customers.
British Petroleum - is one of the world’s largest energy companies, providing its customers with fuel for transportation, energy for heat and light, retail services and petrochemicals products for everyday items.
Bruker Corporation - Bruker is a leading analytical instrumentation company.
CERN - CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the world’s largest and most respected centers for scientific research. Physicists and engineers at CERN are probing the fundamental structure of the universe using the world’s largest and most complex instruments to study the basic constituents of matter.
Chevron Corporation - Chevron is one of the world’s largest integrated energy companies. Headquartered in San Ramon, Calif., we conduct business worldwide.
Clinical Data (Formerly Adenosine Therapeutics) - is a global biotechnology company developing early and late stage targeted therapeutics as well as genetic and pharmacogenomic tests that detect serious diseases and help predict drug safety, tolerability and efficacy.
Environment America - Environment America is a federation of state-based, citizen-funded environmental advocacy organizations.

Evonik Industries - We hold leading positions in the business areas Chemicals, Energy, and Real Estate. Our operations are bundled within eight business units which report directly to the Group board of management. They act as ‘enterprises within the enterprise’. We man

Fluidigm - Fluidigm creates and manufactures innovative technologies and life-science tools designed to revolutionize biology through a relentless pursuit of scientific truth. Its core technologies are based on microfluidics and mass cytometry, and enable the exploration and analysis of individual cells, as well as the industrial application of genomics. 
General Electric - is a global infrastructure, finance and media company taking on the world’s toughest challenges. From everyday lightbulbs to fuel cell technology, to cleaner, more efficient jet engines
Gryphon Scientific - a woman-owned, small business driven by the mission to contribute to knowledge and practice in health and homeland security. Our goal is to help build a healthier, safer, more secure society.
HORIBA - The HORIBA Group of worldwide companies provides an extensive array of instruments and systems for applications ranging from automotive R&D, process and environmental monitoring, in-vitro medical diagnostics, semiconductor manufacturing and metrology
IBM - is the world’s largest IT and consulting company. Great opportunities abound. Build your portfolio while working on society’s most pressing issues. They’re at the top of our strategic agenda.
Indoor Biotechnologies - Indoor Biotechnologies provides products and services for indoor air quality, environmental sciences, and allergy and asthma.
Intel Corporation - We are Intel Sponsors of Tomorrow™, not only through our technical innovation, but through our endless efforts in education, environmental sustainability, healthcare, and much, much more. 
Life Technologies - Life Technologies is a global biotechnology tools company providing premier systems, consumables, and services for scientific researchers around the world.
Lockheed Martin - is a global security company that employs about 146,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services.
Nextiva - - provides reliable unified communications products backed by a dedication to delivering Amazing Service to businesses across the country.
PerkinElmer - designs, manufactures and delivers advanced technology solutions that address the world’s most critical health and safety concerns, including maternal and fetal health, clean water and air, and safe food and toys.
PerkinElmer Informatics - PerkinElmer Informatics is a leading supplier of discovery, collaboration, and knowledge enterprise solution, desktop software, scientific databases and consulting services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and chemical industries.
Phthisis Diagnostics - Phthisis Diagnostics is a rapidly growing biotechnology company with a range of innovative molecular diagnostic products designed for speed and accuracy.
Proctor and Gamble - We will provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world’s consumers, now and for generations to come.
Serco, Inc. - is a leading provider of professional, technology, and management services focused on the federal government.
Siemens - Siemens is a global leader in electronics and electrical engineering
The Broad Institute - is organized around scientific programs and platforms, bringing together biology- and technology-focused scientists to jointly build, apply, and share with scientists worldwide the cutting-edge tools and knowledge needed to revolutionize medical know
ThermoFisher Scientific - ThermoFisher Scientific is a leading supplier of laboratory equipment, chemicals, supplies and services.
United Technologies Corporation - UTC is a dynamic global corporation operating at the leading edge of commercial and military aviation, aerospace systems, climate control, elevator design, security and fire protection as well as hydrogen fuel cell development.
Veolia Environmental Services - is the world leader in environmental services. With operations on every continent and more than 336,013 employees, we provide customized solutions to meet the needs of municipal and industrial customers

Job Search Engines

AfterCollege - is a network for college students and recent grads who are looking for entry level jobs, internships, and other opportunities.

American Association for Clinical Chemistry - is an international society comprised of medical professionals with an interest in clinical chemistry, clinical laboratory science, and laboratory medicine.
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) - The global professional community for over 40,000 chemical engineers in 93 countries. AIChE provides members with technical resources as well as tools to manage their careers and lives.
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science - (ASCLS), as the preeminent organization for clinical laboratory science practitioners, provides dynamic leadership and vigorously promotes all aspects of clinical laboratory science practice, education and management

Beyond.com - is the world’s largest network of niche career communities, providing access to thousands of top-tier industry and local web sites. Our career search services and networking tools enable job seekers and employers to create targeted connections

Biotech and Pharmaceutical - News and Jobs
Career site for the Commonwealth of Virginia -

CareerBuilder.com - we help organizations target and attract their most important asset – their people. We use world-class technology, data-analysis, a comprehensive partner network and superior customer service to match the right people with the right jobs.

Careerjet.com - Employment opportunities search engine
CareerOneStop - is a U.S. Department of Labor-sponsored Web site that offers career resources and workforce information to job seekers, students, businesses, and workforce professionals to foster talent development in a global economy.
ChemJobs.net - ChemIndustry.com is the leading comprehensive directory and search engine for chemical and related industry professionals. Our databases of Web sites include more than 75,000 chemical industry related entities
CKScience - is a leading independent scientific recruitment agency for science jobs. We successfully help some of the top scientific, chemical, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies from around the world to recruit high calibre individuals
Cleverism.com - a clever way to get your dream job
Clinical Research - - News and Jobs
Discover Data Science - career center with information on various Data Science related career paths

Employer videos - is a global Internet and social media company specializing in streaming employer branding and career videos across the web. Our audience is students and young professionals from all over the world researching and planning their careers.

EnvironmentalChemistry.com -
Experience - is about exploring, launching and pursuing an extraordinary career you love. As the largest career site specifically for college students and young professionals, we’ll help you do just that

FindHow – How to become a chemist - How-To’s from “Names You Trust” with a particular emphasis on career exploration topics.

Hyper Recruitment Services specializes in the life science sector

Indeed.com -
Job-Applications.com - Job application form resource site. Find printable applications, or apply online for full-time employment, part-time, seasonal or holiday work now!

Jobs Online - If a job is posted anywhere on the Internet, it’s probably on JobsOnline! That’s because we gather job postings from all over—niche websites, newspaper websites, major job boards, and everything in between—and list them all in one place. The proc

Jobteb.com - offers career and job-search advice for new college graduates, and is the online complement to the Job Choices job-search publications.
Monster.com -

Nature Jobs - is the worldwide career resource for scientists, providing a wide range of career advice and information across Nature Publishing Group journals as well as centrally at naturejobs.com.

New Scientist - search our database for hundreds of science jobs. Registration is free and you can upload your resume, set up email job alerts, subscribe to RSS feeds and apply for science jobs online.

On Assignment - We are a leading provider of skilled contract professionals to clients in the life sciences, healthcare, engineering and IT industries. We offer contract, contract-to-hire and direct-hire placements for local and travel assignments.

PharmiWeb Solutions - we harness the power of the web and make it work for individuals and organizations in the pharmaceutical and healthcare space. PharmiWeb Solutions designs, publishes and manages web content, applications and eMarketing solutions for pharmaceutical an

ScienceCareers - is dedicated to being the world leader in matching qualified scientists with jobs in industry, academia, and government. We are committed to providing all the necessary career resources for scientists as well as effective recruiting solutions for employment

Sloan Career Cornerstone Center - is an ever-expanding resource for anyone interested in exploring career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, computing, and healthcare.

Slone Partners - is a national search firm partnering with clients to meet their search and leadership development needs. We are the most extensively-networked search and leadership development firm in the diagnostic laboratory industry

TalentDesk - is a job search website and hiring tool that features a job board and various tools that make it easy for job seekers to find and land their dream careers.

The Chronicle of Higher Education - is the No. 1 source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators. Based in Washington, D.C., The Chronicle has more than 70 full-time writers and editors, as well as 17 foreign correspondents

TheLadders - Where $100K+ talent finds $100K+ jobs.

TheScientist - As a platform for helping individuals find roles to fit their skills, experience, and career goals, The Scientist Careers offers a range of services and resources. These include job listings, résumé consultations, and career coaching

Vault.com - is an indispensable provider of information and solutions for professionals and students who are pursuing and managing high-potential careers.

Virginia Bio - Virginia Bio is your connection to life science innovators, investors, policymakers and emerging talent within the state.  On our website, you’ll find exciting industry news and up-to-date information on ongoing research, bioscience and supporting companies, job opportunities, and events .  Whatever your needs, Virginia Bio is here to connect you with members of the innovative [...]

Virginia Biotechnologies Association Job Board - Posting for jobs in the Life Sciences

Virginia Employment Commission -
Yahoo! Chemistry Jobs: -