Henry A. Boyter, Jr.
Henry Boyter Jr. is the Director of CESTAB (Center for Environmentally Sustainable Textile and Apparel Businesses). His research and industry service is directed at the application of green chemical techniques to textile processes. He is the past Chair of the AATCC RA100 Global Sustainability Technology Research Committee. He is a former member of the Peer Review Group for the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA) Restricted Substances List Task Force and was a Joint Committee (JC) member developing a “Sustainability Assessment for Commercial Furnishings Fabric – NSF/ANSI 336 – 2011” under the Association for Contract Textiles (ACT) and NSF International and was Leader of the Water Group. He is currently involved with an industry task force under the direction of NTA to Update the VPEP form used by industry for chemical information exchange and is working on the Outdoor Industry Association’s (OIA) Eco-Index as a member of the Toxics Subgroup.He is the author of “Environmental Legislation USA” In Environmental Aspects of Textile Dyeing; Woodhead Publishing Limited.