Surface Chemistry focuses on understanding chemical reactions on a molecular level at the interface of two phases of matter, e.g. gas molecules reacting with a solid metallic surface. Spectroscopic analysis is an integral part of this research, enabling researchers to monitor the distributions, concentrations and dynamics of reactants, intermediates, and products in these chemical reactions. Researchers at UVA apply these principles to a wide a range of areas, from the development of new laser and microwave methods for gas phase molecular spectroscopy, to the application of NMR and ESR spectroscopies to membrane-bound protein characterization in liquids, and the application of solid surface spectroscopies (XPS, AES, TDS, RAIRS, STS, etc.) to understand material behavior and reactivity.
This research is integral to the development of many modern technologies including fuels, semiconductors, nanoscale particles, biomedical devices, and immunological therapies. For more information on current research underway in the various labs, visit the faculty websites below.
- Rob Garrod
- Ian Harrison
- Eric Herbst
- Kevin Lehmann
- Charlie Machan
- Brooks Pate
- Michelle Personick
- Amrit Venkatesh
- Sen Zhang