EPR Laboratory

UVA Chemistry People

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is an important tool for the determination of molecular structure and dynamics. Presently, the Department maintains three cw EPR spectrometers (with X- and Q-band), a Bruker ESM, a Varian E-line spectrometer, and a Bruker ELEXSYS 500. In addition, the department has an ELEXSYS580 Pulsed DEER Bruker spectrometer.

The EPR spectrometers are maintained by the Cafiso and Columbus Laboratories. If you have questions about:

  • Bruker EMX contact Wei-Wei Kuo
    Instructions for the Bruker EMX
  • Bruker E580 contact Dawn Herrick
    Instructions for the E580
  • Varian and Bruker Q-band contact Brett Kroncke
  • Instructions for the Varian
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